Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Clean It Up! Sincerely, Your Neighborhood President

Well, our class survived the fiscal cliff.  Student taxes increased from $2 a week to $4 a week.  That left students who were not on the Super Star list in the negative after paying taxes and rent....at least for those who are not homeowners.  The kids survived, just as we did.  Next week our class will have its annual elections.  I always love hearing the speeches.  The kids typically promise decreases in taxes.  It's amazing how true to life things become in the classroom.

Today the kids elected HOA/Neighborhood Presidents.  Tyra had the fabulous idea to create neighborhood committees that would clean up litter in the neighborhoods.  I couldn't resist taking it a step further and creating the Neighborhood President position.  I told the kids that the President would need to pick up any litter on the ground in their neighborhoods.  However, the President also had the ability to write a letter to any neighbors in their communities that potentially decreased property value because of messy desks on the inside or top.  They had to give the neighbor a timeline.  After the expiration of the timeline, the classroom contractor could be called to clean up the mess and the home occupant would have to pay the contractor for cleaning up the mess.  So....five minutes after my announcement of this policy, two Neighborhood Presidents had already written letters.

My scanner wasn't the best, so in case you can't read this letter it says:

Dear Neighbor,

Do you know your desk is dirty?  Clean in up or else.
Due Date: 30 Minutes
Your President

This one says:

Dear J,

Your yard is a mess.  I already called the contractor.  You have to get it done by 2:00.

I'll keep you posted on whether or not this strategy works.  I'm willing to try anything at this point!

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